What Exactly Is A Barrel Pump?
These are used for the purpose of dispensing chemicals, those which are contained within containers like drums or barrels. These can also be referred to as drum pumps. They come in different sizes and styles, along with multiple accessories, that are designed to work with your particular industry. There are many manual operations to using one which will include plungers, levers, and handles. If you are looking for high viscosity drum pump then see here.
How Does It Work?
At processing plants, especially those that are manufacturing items that are shipped in barrels, you need to store all of this material. These can be very heavy, making it difficult to pour the liquid out. That is why barrel pumps are so useful, allowing the user to disperse the fluids from the containers in the most efficient and safe manner possible.
These are equipped with a motor, a pump section, and also the immersion to which is accessing liquid. The motor is typically at the top of the tube, and certainly outside of the container. In regard to the immersion tube – which is extremely long and placed directly into the container – it’s going to fit through an opening, and will often be sealed, near the top portion of the container. Each one can be a different length, depending upon the size of the container and the type of materials that are going to be extracted. Looking at the pump section, which is at the lower portion of the device, this is located at the bottom of the immersion tube. The pump, which is going to extract the material through the tube, is also going to be properly sealed. The liquid is only going to flow through to a discharge point at the other end where the motor is located.
Standing the viscosity of certain fluids may affect your decision to purchase a barrel pump, whether it is a medium or low viscosity level which is important to know when working with extended centrifugal pumps that use multiple impellers. It is this rotation by the impellers that will cause the liquid to come up and out of the immersion tube.
If you work with medium viscosity fluids, you are often dealing with positive displacement pumps which are the best to use. These are typically fluids rated at 2000cp, and will often use a screw-type lifting compressor. There are different applications for these devices including the extraction of food products, solvents, paint, and even Inc. You can also transfer different liquids through the tubes including lubrication fluids, adhesives, waxes, solvents, different types of resin, bath gel, juice concentrate, polymers, lotions, honey, and even corn syrup. FDA compliant material options must always be looked at.
Top Features of Barrel Pumps
Some of the best features include the ability to pump fluid, in addition to the outer pump tube material. The wetted parts, which are typically resistant to any form of corrosion, must be monitored, especially when working with flammable fluids by maintaining operating temperatures. The pump tubes, along with all of the other parts of the barrel pump, are made from a wide variety of materials including polypropylene, CPVC, stainless steel, and others.
There are many different types of materials that are resistant to corrosion, most of which can resist environmental impacts indefinitely.
Many of the manufacturers that produce these will interchangeably put on different motors, use different immersion tubes, and therefore the exact barrel pump that you want can be produced in a customized fashion. The motor should be very easy to connect and disconnect, plus adding another pump tube should also be very easy to do. All of the pumps should be simple to disassemble, and also replace parts that need to be taken out.
The length of the tube is often determined by the container size upon which the barrel pump is going to be situated. An example of this would be a 45-gallon barrel, which also measures at 200 L, which will need a 100 cm tube. For smaller barrels, smaller lengths are also available.